Commands List

Main Page

Main Data

  • /info or /i
  • Show a detailed info box about any Premier League player.
  • /team or /t
  • Quick stats about a Premier League team.
  • /smt
  • The Suggest My Transfer tool will take your latest team and use an optimizer to recommend transfers. This command will only work once the season has started. We will never store your FPL ID, and we will never attempt to gain information about a team that is not publicly available (e.g. transfers made before a deadline).
  • /compare or /c
  • Generate a plot that compares two players.
  • /p, /pn4, /pn8, /pgw
  • Show the players that are predicted to earn the most points in: the next GW, the next 4 GWs, the next 8 GWs, or a GW of your choice (respectively).
  • /top
  • Show the top X players in some statistic.
  • /botpicks
  • Generate an optimal team for some specified time period and budget constraints.
  • /cs
  • Show a clean sheet probability for some team in their next X fixtures.

FPL Utilities

  • /transfers
  • Show the players that are being transferred in and out the most.
  • /yellows
  • Show the players that are close to suspension due to yellow card accumulation.
  • /deadline or /dl
  • Show the time until the next deadline, which can be displayed in anyone's timezone due to Discord's Unix timestamp formatting.
  • /table
  • Show the current Premier League table.


  • /sim
  • Simulate a match between two teams. You can choose to run it instantly or include "commentary."
  • /sim100
  • Simulate a match 100 times and generate a summary of all of them. Useful for collecting averaged-out data.

Live Match

These commands only work while matches are ongoing.

  • /stats or /s
  • Show live player stats of the current matches.
  • /bps or /b
  • Same as above, but BPS only.
  • /saves
  • Same as above, but saves/save points only.

Match Analysis

  • /result
  • Show a summary and stats of any match that happened during the season.
  • /xg
  • Show the xG from recent matches.

Champions League

This is still being developed, and will be finalized by early September.

  • /clinfo
  • Show a detailed info box about any player in the official UEFA Champions League Fantasy game.
  • /clsim
  • Simulate a match from the UCL.
  • /clfullsim
  • Simulate an entire run-through of the tournament.

Games & More

  • /wordle
  • Play a game of Wordle where the goal is to identify a Premier Legue player. You can change length of the player's name, and every server has its own rankings.
  • /wordhelp
  • More detailed info on how this game works.
  • /wordranks
  • Server-specific Wordle leaderboard.
  • /tictactoe
  • Play a game of Premier League Tic-Tac-Toe, based on the popular online game. There are 6 difficulty levels, and it can be played against the bot or another user.
  • /coin
  • Indecisive? Flip a coin!
  • /dice
  • A coin but with more sides.